I've been using commandseries since 2002 and the GUI has not changed since. Would be great to get a refresh....
One of the hardest things to learn about CommandSeries is training a new employee as the GUI is very windows 3.11ish. The new generation hitting the workforce today knows MS Office's "ribbon" menu system as many applications have follow suite to this. Would be great if CommandSeries could refresh the application to a similar menu system.
You are absolutely right. It's hard to show COMMANDseries' grey screens when its counterpart, COMMANDtrack, has a new look and feel which is colorful. We have been spending some effort this year exploring what we can do without destabilizing it for older users. While new users expect a modern/standardized experience, legacy users don't want it fiddled with. There's a balance we're trying to pinpoint.
First, Thank you for the quick response. Refreshing to see...
I agree with your point is a challenge, but consider the "next generations" are already hitting the workforce in large numbers and in our industry it is getting harder and harder to retain talent. Anything we can do to make their experience better, in my mind, is worth the effort.
I consider myself a "legacy user", no matter what the change is, its hard. I remember the day we switched from ZNET to CommandSeries, what a ruff few months that was :)
A year later, you realize the change was worth it.