COMMANDseries V2 Ideas

Idea and discussion portal for the COMMANDseries V2 product line. Users may submit, view and vote on value-added ideas submitted by all users.

Ability to track returned concrete in more detail

Currently I believe all we can track for returned concrete is whether it was reused or dumped.  I would like to be able to determine when the material is treated as dumped what did we do with it and how much of it.  It would be helpful if we could categorize this information during the process into what was done with the material; Reclaimed, Blocks, Dumped on ground etc.

  • Aaron Snowdon
  • Jul 26 2018
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Aaron Snowdon commented
    August 28, 2018 22:41

    I think the best way would be to have a reason code that can be configured but would be a standard response to then allow for consistent reporting (Option #2)


    Aaron Snowdon | Summit Materials |
    Ready Mix Performance Team
    1550 Wynkoop Street 3R | Denver, CO 80202
    Cell: 780 446 7203

  • Eric Godsey commented
    August 27, 2018 15:53

    It sounds like we want a field on this screen when some or all of the material isn't used as pre-batched on the next ticket.

    Option 1: Have free text field.  They can type whatever they want, but this makes report aggregation harder.  Effort is small.

    Option 2: Have a predefined list to pick from.  But different producers may want this list customizable.  Would have to have an editor somewhere else.  Effort is more.

  • Aaron Snowdon commented
    August 27, 2018 15:42

    I do agree having a reason code when material produced is answered yes; this would help with some advanced reporting but it will not help when we are returning from a jobsite with leftovers on the truck.  This is the scenario where we'd want to have a few more options to flag what was done with the material when it's returned.

  • Curt Gould commented
    August 24, 2018 18:06

    Right now we have reason codes for ticket (if not batched).  Maybe this could be solved by ability to use reason codes for Produced concrete (yes to was concrete produced question)? 

    Most of the time dispatch would know the reason

  • Aaron Snowdon commented
    August 20, 2018 18:41

    Typically as the trucks are returning, dispatch is instructing the driver what to do with the material; block, reclaim, dump, reuse etc.

  • Eric Godsey commented
    August 20, 2018 12:46

    Would dispatch typically know that at time of truck return and ticket cancellation or is that a Invoicing Prep function?